24 November 2014

Week of Thankfulness

You received Christ Jesus, the Master, now live Him.
You're deeply rooted in Him.
You're well constructed upon Him.
You know your way around the faith,
Now do what you've been taught.
School's out, quit studying the subject
and start living it!
And let your living spill over into thanksgiving.

Colossians 2.6-7

I am adopting this Scripture as my course of study for the week. To focus on living deeply rooted in Christ so that everything I do reflects a little bit of His love. To let my life be led by God's wondrous power so that my living spills over into thanksgiving.

I love that each of our lives is able to be used in such a way, that we are not too small or insignificant to make some sort of difference with God working through our person.

While I am always full of thankfulness in my heart, this week I want to try to dwell in it and muse about the blessings that are present in my life. Knowing that I am undeserving of them all, an attitude of thanksgiving reminds me that God is good, indeed.

Musing upon this: Our day-to-day living should reflect the thanksgiving that is in our hearts. 

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