20 November 2014

On Being Intentional

Do you ever get stuck in a rut where you have a list of a hundred things you want to do, dreams you want to pursue, and tasks you want to accomplish, but when you reach a moment to do something about it, it passes you by? Whether we are distracted, idle, listless, or lacking confidence, I think we all hit a rut like this sometimes.

I know, for me, it generally comes along after a period of intense busyness. When I finally get through that time and have a moment, I sometimes do not evaluate the best option for the use of my time and end up watching a favourite movie for the hundredth time because I am worn out. My brain needs a break, but my creative side is crying out for attention.

How do we get around this?

When I ask this, one word comes to mind. My close friend Jen and I talk every week, and we always address eachother's struggles and goals for the week, the month, and the year. Her goal for this year has been to incorporate the word "Intentional" both in meaning and action in everything she does.

I think she is on to something crucial here. Throughout this year we have brought up "being intentional" in conversation multiple times, and each time it has shown to be such a good reminder of how we should live our lives. 

If we are intentional with our time, our gifts, our work, and our family, we are giving each of these things thought and attention, and that means our actions are more purposeful and life-giving. We aren't just letting the wind take us by its whims and fancies, but we are being mindful and diligent to pay attention to what really matters in our lives. Who we give attention to, how we spend our time, how we speak to one another. These are all matters that sometimes rarely graze the minds of most people, but to live intentionally is to change that pattern by opening our eyes to what is in front of us.

I am trying to focus more on being intentional because these days are so full and busy, and I want each piece of that to be meaningful, and when I do stop for a millisecond, I want to make use of that time in the best way possible. I will always be a work-in-progress, and here is the next case of serious study.

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