14 September 2012

Tea Time with Kings

Make a cup of tea and pick up your Bible to read 2 Kings. The best quiet time I have is when I make a cup of tea or coffee and sit in a cozy spot to read my Bible, and then grab my pen to write in my journal. I recently reached the end of 2 Kings doing this very thing. It has been so interesting, with little stories along the way that make me ponder, like when Isaiah gives a sign to Hezekiah that the Lord's promise is true. Isaiah asks if he would like a shadow nearby to go forward ten steps or backward ten steps. Hezekiah answers that it would be easy to make the shadow go forward, so make it go backward. Isaiah called to the Lord, and the shadow moved back ten steps.

Never have I heard that little passage before, probably because it doesn't contain anything we don't already know. But it is another one of those defy-nature signs from God in which He shows that He created the world and He can make anything happen. Moving shadows or making the sun stand still for a day. No big deal for God. Yet for us, it defies the laws of nature that we are currently restricted to. Increasingly interesting is the fact that this book is historically accurate and completely true. And it's all inspired by God. These things really happened. Nothing has ever proved otherwise.

The Bible has become even dearer to me in the past couple years than it ever has been. Perhaps as time goes on, it will become even more dear. I suspect that to be true. The writings grip my attention more. The authors have become familiar, like friends, and I am reading their journal. The stories have taken root in my own life, relating what happened then to what I may be going through now.

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