27 November 2012


Steam streams above the cup
And the scent of tea rises
Orange bergamot to my nose
A dash of sweetness added
with a vanilla smooth
Comforting my afternoon
making me think English thoughts

When I feel under the weather, as I have been over the last week, a cup of tea is pretty much the only soothing drink I crave. Earl Grey with honey is the best. So this is what I have been indulging in this week as I have been snifffffling and sneeeezing. Carrying a handkerchief around with me in my bag has become essential.

Gladly, the sniffles are leaving and I may be able to resume my short runs when I get home from work. You don't appreciate certain things until they are gone for while. Like being able to breath normally. I am finding myself cultivating a deeper appreciation for the little things in life. Every day has gifts, and I am trying to notice them, really look at them, and let them sink in. The rushed, frenzied outlook is leaving me and it is being replaced by an observant, thoughtful creature who wants to see God in every aspect of the day.

Now I am just babbling, and letting my words spill out like a fountain. Sorry if I got you wet with my musings....But I may be onto something. Something worth a second thought. Or a third.

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