19 November 2012

Here Comes the Sun

After the rain when clouds begin to depart
I think of you because a song is about to start
Fresh from rain the sun's rays dance for fun
Meanwhile I hum the tune "Here comes the sun"
It's not the rain that reminds me of you
It's when clouds push away and the sun's debut
Shines brighter than your memory recalls
As life's persistent rain continuously falls
The visual reminder that darkness won't last
And life is full of blessings that move by fast
So in the midst of a dismal day
Look up and think this rain will soon go away

This poem is for my Mom. When I was little she would always hum The Beatles song "Here Comes the Sun", especially after a rain or if a cloudy day was clearing up. Sometimes, even now, I find myself humming the tune when the rain departs. When I was home last weekend to help with the yard sale, Mom pulled these old photos out from her closet. The photo on the left is me. The photo on the right is my Mom. And we all laughed at how we looked so similar at that age.

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