19 September 2011

The Northernness

Magdalen College, Oxford- C.S. Lewis' rooms are marked by red flowers on the windowsill of 3 windows near the center. Can you spot them? (click on the the photo to enlarge)

The "northernness", as C.S. Lewis calls it, is that which he searched for during the many years he was an atheist. It was "joy". Something he longed for but couldn't find. The northernness was an "indescribable intensity of heart-breaking longing."

Then, in 1926, Lewis met J.R.R. Tolkien at Oxford University where they were both professors of English literature. Tolkien invited Lewis to join him in meeting with other friends, and soon Lewis was listening to Tolkien read his current story aloud so it could be critiqued. A group started doing this each week, they called themselves The Inklings. They met at The Eagle and Child Pub or in Lewis' rooms at Magdalen College. They would bring their writings and read it to the others, where encouragement and good-hearted conversation was ensued into the evening. Tolkien said later that if it wasn't for Lewis' encouragement, he would never have completed The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Lewis was surrounded by Christians, yet he had not put the puzzle pieces together in his own life. He was perplexed by the other men who all believed in the good and gracious God. After dinner on September 19, 1931, Tolkien, Lewis, and another friend walked around the college gardens until 4 AM talking, and Lewis finally realized and accepted that God was God, and thus began his new journey as a Christian. He had found joy.

This story is so inspiring to me, as a Christian, a writer, a lover of literature, lover of Oxford, a person interested in encouraging relationships, and good talks. The spirit of these men is contagious, even in today's modern approach to friendships. Today is the 80 year mark of when Lewis accepted God into his heart. Oh, how much has changed in the world in 80 years, but all our needs are still the same. We can attach ourselves to this modern age and all the ideals, false promises, lies, and tricks to lure us away, or we can choose to live a deeper, more meaningful life that is centered on God instead of this world. It is getting to be more and more difficult as everything around us tries to distract us, but we can avoid most of it, and embrace the northernness in our lives, with God. It is by God all things are created, and through God all things are held together.

1 comment:

  1. Super, thank you for sharing! And to think I happened upon this on September 19th, one year after you wrote this. God bless you Kacie!
