15 January 2013


A devil is creeping in.
He's sitting on your shoulder now.
He whispers things that sound right
but suddenly you doubt somehow
that anything you've known is true.
He speaks his logic and what he calls reason,
but that devil is trying to capture you.

A devil is in the shadow
that you've backed yourself into.
You keep saying it just takes time
yet you still don't have a clue.
He's mixing all your beliefs like a cocktail
and troubling your soul
with the doubt, fear, worry and worse:
the self-sufficiency; which is his goal.

Whether we think about it or not, we are surrounded by evil forces every day. Satan is trying to win us to him by provoking our downward spiral. A kind of darkness that overshadows our soul. He loves when we listen to him and begin to doubt what we know about God's love. And I recently read this passage while engrossed in The Man Who Was Thursday by G.K. Chesterton (a spectacular book, by the way), which just goes along with these thoughts. Hope always remains because we have Jesus.

He knew that the evil figure, his shadow, was creeping quickly or slowly behind him, and he did not care. It seemed a symbol of human faith and valor that while the skies were darkening that high place of the earth was bright. The devils might have captured heaven, but they had not yet captured the cross.

-The Man Who Was Thursday, G.K. Chesterton

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