31 January 2013

Love, NYC

...each embraces New York with the intense excitement of first love, each absorbs New York with the fresh eyes of an adventurer, each generates heat and light to dwarf the Consolidated Edison Company.
-Here is New York, E.B. White

If I were to send a letter to Manhattan, it would be full of admiration of it's unique beauty (can you say a city of buildings is its own version of beautiful?) and it's ability to excite any traveler. The notion of 1.9 million people living on this 23 square mile island is really amazing, in the true sense of the word. Every street corner you stand at, you can look left, right, forward, and behind and see skyscrapers as far as your eye can see. It is a wonder everyone should experience at some point in their life. The beat of the city is infectious. Once you are there, you almost feel like you are a New Yorker. You walk with them in the subway tunnels. You pass them in Grand Central Terminal and stand with them on a crowded subway.

And although the hustle and bustle of the city can become tiring and  maybe overwhelming to some, there is a politeness about the locals that I found to be so welcoming. The only rudeness I found came from a few tourists. New Yorkers mind their business and keep to themselves, but will take a second to hold a door for you. Every building you pass has a history, and a story of beginnings. There is a pride for the city evident everywhere you go. Somehow the lack of space in such a large city draws people together in ways that never occur in regular-size cities.

If NYC were to write a letter to me, it would remind me to enjoy the greatest city in the U.S. To relish in the speed and vibrancy of certain sections of town like Times Square, and to slow down and take a rest in other areas like Central Park, the New York Public Library, or a quiet cafe. The letter would also tell me how it snowed on that morning just for me, since I wished for snow. And it would sign "Love, NYC".

I will be back with more posts on my trip. I need time to collect my thoughts and review my photographs more. So many wonderful things to share!

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