24 March 2015


Momentary afflictions.
We are not doomed to forever darkness. Unless we choose it.

Like this ice cream (okay- frozen yogurt) on these hot Spring days, life is forever changing. While looking into the future our path may look too nebulous. We would rather see a clear picture of what is to come. Our faith in God's plan for us should be the impervious stronghold that we do not let go of. We should not let any of that darkness leak in.

Sometimes I watch the lives of others around me change and move forward, while my own life seems to be stagnant. Sitting still in the quiet holds of anticipation. While my patient nature keeps me mellow and reflective through it, I sometimes ask myself if I am doing something wrong. It is not that I invite change, but if I start to compare myself to someone else, I can always find ways that I am somehow behind. Who ever said there is a time table everyone must follow? It's all rubbish, but it is the trap we can all fall into if we let ourselves.

What I have to remind myself is that nothing good comes from comparing myself to others. While our world encourages competition, the things that matter eternally do not. The first shall be last. The meek shall inherit the earth. We are told to love others as much as we love ourselves. 

The knowledge that the darkness will not last is where I rest when I feel the darkness surrounding me. The impermanence in my life is a reminder of the permanence of God. When my day is golden, God is good. When my day is a disaster, God is still good. His goodness never changes like my days do. He maintains all His goodness, omniscience, power, majesty, and might no matter what. And He can use whatever circumstance are present to draw me closer, to bring about goodness, and to remind me of His never-ending love.

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