15 April 2011

Run But You Can't Hide

April 15- Tax Day (extended to April 18)

Notorious for being a day that everyone dreads, today is tax day! Of course, none of you wait until the last minute, but those who did are probably quite stressed.
It’s funny because most people think of the IRS as a cold-hearted department ready to take our money, but someone has to do it. It’s like being in an Accounts Receivable Department, reaching out to people to pay their bills. There is a sense of mystery surrounding the IRS and I think that’s why, at some point years ago I thought it would be kind of cool to work for them, or the Treasury Department.

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, so while I do not work in accounting I am still drawn to the world of accounting because I spent 4 years rigorously studying the textbooks, sitting on my bed in my dorm room with notebooks and calculator within reach. Each accounting book weighed about half a ton. My tax book, especially, was like carrying an anvil. And worst of all, the IRS rules and regulations changed so often, you couldn’t buy a used textbook. It had to be a new one. Gotta love the days of buying textbooks.

This day evokes memories of my tax class, where I tried to solve the problems and fill out tax forms for corporations and strange individual situations. I rarely got those problems correct. There are so many rules and exceptions to the rules. Just not my forte. Yet I am thankful for learning how all that works. Don’t ask me about your taxes, though, because I only know enough to be dangerous. HaHa.

This is why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe him. If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor. -Romans 13. 6-7

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