17 December 2012

Foggy Thoughts

By day the Lord commands his steadfast love,
and at night his song is with me,
a prayer to the God of my life.
-Psalm 42.8

Morning fog rolled in over the weekend. I woke up earlier than I really needed to, but it was refreshing. Do you ever do that? Wake before you need to just because you want to take a deep breath and watch the fog rise slowly as the sun rises?

The morning fog was accompanied by a chill in the air. Opening my sliding glass door I let the wisps of fog enter in. The coffee is brewing. Bible on my lap. This is the way to start the day.

It is quiet, save for a few birds who woke with me, chirping to one another. People are sleeping in, so it seems. Pouring my coffee into a mug, I now dive back into Acts, where I left Paul and all his travels, visiting towns, encouraging disciples, and preaching boldly. Every time I read Acts I get a deeper sense of the sacrifice the first Christians endured. They are charged with the task of spreading the good news of Jesus, and were met with a variety of emotions from each place they visited (some angry, some welcoming). They kept up their courage and shook the dust off their feet whenever they were mistreated. They trusted in Jesus utterly and completely for everything. We are charged with the same task today but our world looks different and knows a lot more. In many cases people already know who Jesus is but choose not to make room for Him. We, too, can be mistreated because of our faith. Yet, we should also shake the dust off our feet because our Christian brothers and sisters all over the world endure the same trials as us, if not worse.

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