30 April 2013

Tulipa: Friendship

Can I just dedicate this entire page to these gorgeous tulips my dear friend Chancie bought me? If you didn't know, tulips are my favourite flower. There are so many varieties, and I like them all. If I can personify a flower here for a moment, tulips are graceful. That is what I have always like about them. The way they stand tall, and then gently curve toward the sunlight as they open up.

My friend was visiting Florida over the weekend and she got them for me in celebration of my new job, and my soon-to-be-move to my new apartment. It was such a lovely surprise! I rarely get flowers and to have their burst of colour in my apartment is a treat, for sure. As was the time I got to spend with my friend.

Life's little pleasures just reminds me of God's richest blessings in our lives everyday. Every single day is truly a gift that is meant to be enjoyed and to be filled to the brim of joy. Anything that takes out joy away should be left out of the formula for the day. I have struggled with that for a long time, and I am finally (at last) to a point where I am able to filter out the negative, and the things that do not bring me joy, but hurt. Sorry, negative vibes, I don't have room for you in my life. But lovely tulips and lovely friends, I have plenty of room for you.

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