15 March 2013

Gathering Thoughts

I gather my thoughts in this sole quiet moment before I need to slip into bed, to sit in a solitude of thankfulness. I know the recent events in my life have been made possible through God's grace. He has truly lined it all up to unroll at this time into this beautiful plan that I never could have coordinated myself if I tried.

It is the kind of unfolding of plans that could not have been predicted or seen even two months ago. I sat back and watched them unfold knowing it is not because I have been extra good or that I deserve anything to happen. But God has allowed these good things to take place. He created these bright and beautiful patches of light to shine while I was seemly stuck in a darkness that overshadowed parts of me.

Changes are in progress. Good things. I am so thankful to God for the people in my life and for the opportunities that have fallen into my lap.

I will let Madeleine L'Engle's wise words close my musing. She so eloquently puts into words exactly what I say and feel oftentimes. Don't forget to believe six impossible things tomorrow before breakfast.

It might be a good idea if, like the White Queen, we practiced believing six impossible things every morning before breakfast, for we are called on to believe what to many people is impossible. Instead of rejoicing in this glorious "impossible" which gives meaning and dignity to our lives, we try to domesticate God, to make his might actions comprehensible to our finite minds.
- Walking on Water, Madeleine L'Engle


  1. The dude and I love the "six impossible things..." I need to get back to it more often. Thanks for the reminder! :-)

    1. Ha! I love that! Don't forget to before breakfast!
