23 July 2013

Be Still

It is difficult to be still sometimes while traveling. Each trip has that challenge. And so did this recent business trip to St. Louis. With busy schedules, a lot of people to meet, and a go-go-go mentality it is not always easy to find the place, time, or mind-set to just be still and know that God is God.

Psalm 46:10
“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” 

But maybe late at night sitting on my bed in my cozy bedroom of my CEO's basement in which I was staying, I sat and wrote and reflected with a grateful heart.

Or maybe the next late night, sitting at the St. Louis airport for our delayed flight, with Colin stretched out on the carpet and I sitting with my feet tucked under me in the semi-cushioned airport chair, I took the focus off the waiting and wrote and reflected on my last few days with a glowing pride for my company.

And perhaps in the middle of our quarterly meeting while our CEO was at the podium talking about his faith in God, about serving others by using our gifts, and encouraging us, I sat there surrounded by all the other employees who look to this leader (and the other leaders), and who I came to respect even more than I already did before this trip. And I say little prayers of thanks that I could be a part of this company and how it has become such a blessing in my life.

Hmmm. Maybe I found that it is possible to be still, even in the midst of a busy business trip.

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