12 July 2013

The Most Simple

I will praise your name,
for you have done wonderful things,
plans formed of old, faithful and sure.
- Isaiah 25.1

The wispy purple blooms I have on my kitchen table (and drying upside down) look like little lavender buds but they do not have the lovely scent. I do have some lavender stems of leaves on my table, too, from my friend Emily's porch garden. I am letting some of these leaves steep with my brewing Earl Grey tea in a little pot. Adding vanilla and pouring over some soy milk, it's pretty tasty. But not living up to the name of a Lavender Fog. Guess I will have to keep practicing.

There is something refreshing about having some of God's nature in the home. It brings a beautiful outdoor reminder of God's goodness and provisions. The light coming through my windows is comforting, like a renewal of my day. The gentle breeze outside brings the otherwise stolid trees to life in a little dance.

Lately, I have been indulging in the most simple of things. And it's been wonderful. It's nice to slow down. Isn't that what Summer is for?

- Drying flowers in my kitchen
- Hanging thrifted lace curtains
- Brewing a cup of rose tea each night
- Making simple eggs and toast
- Playing piano
- Reading for hours
- Watching cardinals jump from branch to branch outside my windows
- Sitting by a window watching the rain fall

Happy weekend!

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