11 December 2014

It's Cold, My Friends

What fortitude the soul contains,
That it can so endure
The accent of a coming foot -
The opening of a door.

- Emily Dickinson

Opening the door to the cold outside. Dressed in boots, scarves, and a coat. Bliss.
Then coming inside from being out where it is downright chilly. Bliss.
For the south, the deep south that is Florida, it is cold! And I am loving it.

Every frosted window pane morning. Even though they aren't frosted, so much as full of cold morning dew.
Every chilly drive to work in the morning.
Every evening holding my cup of tea in my hands to warm them.
Every morning waking up warm under my blankets.
Every relaxing moment curled up with a book on the sofa.
Every time I open my door and feel the chill of the air, a smile does appear on my face.

Every time candles are lit.
Every time a warm meal is ready.

If you do not seem to agree with me, I do apologize, but you aren't going to be able to change my mind. I will continue to dream about Wintry scenes full of spruce trees covered in the lovely white snow and the quiet nature that fills the space around Winter. This feeling is going to last awhile, so get used to it. Winter is a good, old friend.

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