15 July 2015

Acts and Orange Juice

So Peter opened his mouth and said: “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him. As for the word that he sent to Israel, preaching good news of peace through Jesus Christ (he is Lord of all).
Acts 10. 34-36

The morning hums with heat. When I wake up it is already 75 degrees before 7 AM. I read in Acts as I sip on my glass of orange juice. Learning and thinking about how the disciples were charged with the task of spreading the news of Jesus, and that meant they had to change their current Jewish-only way of thinking, that all outsiders are unclean. Their thoughts and ways had to be reshaped to model after what Jesus taught them, so that all people on earth would be viewed as the same, and that they all should hear this news of Jesus.

It was a mindset they had to overcome and begin to understand the dramatic change was due to God's plan to open up His love through Jesus to all the nations and races. It makes me think about what mindsets I need to change so that I can love my neighbors better.

How interesting it is that it began like that. It was the acts and behavior of Christians (as they were first called at Antioch) that started the revolution of truly loving thy neighbor, and thinking them worthy of turning to Jesus. They, at least, should hear the good news, and then make their choice. 

While this was a radical shift in thought for the disciples, they heeded God's direction and it changed the world. I wonder what could happen if we heeded God's direction so devotedly. 

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