08 July 2015

Notes on Paradoxes

The paradoxes of the beatitudes leave us with many upside down notions that seem to disregard the ways of the world.The truth of the matter is we don't know how the story will continue. We don't know how it will turn out every day.

Jesus is saying that the way things are now are not the way things are meant to be.
A change is coming. The meek will not always be despised or forgotten. The weak will not always be without strength. A sudden change is coming.
A Eucatastrophe, as J.R.R. Tolkien wrote about in his stories. A swift and sudden change for good. It comes when the world seems clouded and all is darkness.

The good thing that needs to happen will instantly happen at the last dire moment. When you think all is lost. Somehow the buried good must come to fruition. And it will. When it seems most impossible.

We know this to be true because of the resurrection. The good and best thing occured after the darkest thing happened. After the cross --- the resurrection.

Because Jesus entered into each of the paradoxes of the beatitudes, He is the one who knows how all of them feel. He doesn't look down upon those who are abandoned, lonely, harmed, hated. He relates to all of us who deal with those things because He has gone through them Himself.

The crushing is not the end of the story. The darkness can be contradicted by the light that is Jesus.

The defeat, hurt, and tough situation is not the end. The joy is sent before you.

Why not resist the darkness?

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