17 July 2012

Befriend Faithfulness

Trust in the Lord, and do good;
dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness.
Delight yourself in the Lord
and He will give you the
desires of your heart.

-Psalm 37. 3-4

I have been reading a few Psalms each day, and Psalm 37 has been sticking out to me lately. These verses above, especially so, probably because I am in need of these words and the reminder to trust and stay faithful to God's love and promises no matter what. I like how the Psalmist writes to "befriend faithfulness". It kind of got me thinking. Can I be friends with faithfulness? Why yes, of course, I concluded. Because the Bible tells me so.

Stretching myself to meditate about this more, I thought about how we can befriend faithfulness. Things we do with friends can all be done in the act of being faithful.
- We can talk faithfulness by praying.
- We can hangout with faithfulness by doing the right thing.
- We can share details with faithfulness by witnessing to others by actions and/or words.
- We can spend time with faithfulness by reading the Bible everyday

Some of these things are harder for me than others, but when I put my trust in God and let those doubts about my abilities fizzle away, I see so quickly how joy fills me when I am friends with faithfulness.

After that, the next verse follows along. When I am fully trusting God I give Him command of my path, which leads to the fulfillment of God giving me the desires of my heart. Instead of the world giving me the desires of my heart, I am joyful in knowing that God has specific plans and ways to use me. The desires He gives me will help drive me to do that which He wants me to do.

It all sounds so simple and yet we tend to complicate things, don't we? We create our own desires and drama, and let the world tell us what we want to do. We rarely look deep into ourselves to think and to give God time. Reading the Bible and praying opens us up to God's wisdom and plans for us.

The difficulty involves us giving up our control, or our feeling of control. This feeling is fabricated by us, for none of us have control, and it is the hurdle that is the highest to jump over, oftentimes. There is no guarantee that a soft landing awaits us over that hurdle, but Psalm 37. 23-24 tells us:

The steps of the man are established by the Lord,
when he delights in his way;
though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong,
for the Lord upholds his hand.

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