13 August 2012

The Wise Guy

Why is the owl considered to be wise?

I am reading through 1 Kings. Recently, I have gotten into these Old Testament stories. They are captivating, dramatic, action packed, and full of names I may only know vaguely. I am trying to diversify my Bible reading because it's so easy to just jump to the New Testament, which has lots of verses marked or underlined in black ink. So after I finished reading Joshua, I happened upon 1 Kings and was immediately drawn to the end of King David's reign.

Solomon was king after David. I have always enjoyed learning about King David and reading his Psalms (since many were written by him) because my family would always joke by calling my Dad King David (we also called him Treebeard, but he never understood that reference from LOTR).

Anyway, Solomon is David's son and he begins his reign when David passes away. Solomon had a dream where the Lord appeared and asked Solomon what he wanted. Solomon first refers to his father, who walked with God in faithfulness and was shown steadfast love from the Lord, and then he recognizes that he knows nothing. He asks for an understanding mind in order to govern the people and discern good from evil.

The Lord is pleased by Solomon's request because he didn't ask selfishly for long life or riches, but instead looked to the good of the people by asking for wisdom to do justice. God gives Solomon a wise and discerning mind, and not just any mind, but none so wise has lived before him and none so wise will live after him. He is the wisest person who ever lived, then. And not only does God give him the wisest mind to discern good and evil, but he gives him riches and honor, which Solomon did not ask for, so that no other king can compare with him.

What a legacy David left. And what a way for Solomon to begin his reign. He is definitely the wise guy, and I am reading his amazing story.

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