21 August 2012

Nothing in this world can satisfy

C.S. Lewis Week: Part II
If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world. If none of my earthly pleasures satisfy it, that does not prove that the universe is a fraud. Probably earthly pleasures were never meant to satisfy it...
-Mere Christianity

C.S. Lewis brings to light matters that you may have wondered and thought about, or maybe not, but when he brings up a topic, you realize how applicable it is to you, and how his reasoning makes so much sense. You read it, and you say to yourself "yes, exactly. That is so true. Why did I not think of it like that before?"

I find myself quoting (or paraphrasing) his writing all the time in various situations because his words are suitable for many occasions, and he has written on a myriad of topics (just in Mere Christianity here are a few- hope, faith, marriage, morals, sex, forgiveness, pride, time, freewill, love, charity)  that there is always something wise to take from him. Best of all, he writes in such a manner that while he is discussing something deep, he is able to make comparisons in an "ordinary" way, using daily objects or situations (humanity like a band playing a tune,  human individuals gone wrong as ships colliding, or unattainable perfection like changing gears as we drive)

If you have never read anything by C.S. Lewis, I don't think I could recommend an author more than him. I own every book I can get my hands on, and re-read them all the time. They are full of my pen marks and underlines (which is how you can tell that I love a book. The more ink marks, the more I love it). I am reading Mere Christianity again because it's been many years since I have read it. If you want to borrow a book, just let me know! If you want to read a little more about Lewis and when he became a Christian, click here for one of my past posts about the inspiring story.

A couple years ago I discovered a Brooke Fraser song called "C.S. Lewis Song". I was immediately drawn to the message because the words are taken from Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis' most widely read book. The video above is the music video.

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