08 August 2012

An Invitation to Journal

I'm apt to remember inaccurately what I don't write down in a journal or notebook....."I shall never, never forget," "You will though," the queen said, "if you don't make a memorandum of it."
-Madeleine L'Engle

I think everyone who knows me knows how much I love journaling. Pretty much all my blog posts are taken straight from my journals.
For some people, the thought of writing and journaling seems like work or a kind of torture, but I shall try to convince you in a few words how I think anyone can do it and that they will enjoy it. For me, it's the best way to record memories and prayers.

I have always been one who like to write things out, long hand. While studying in school, I would write out the material over and over. If it was definitions, or accounting entries or balance sheets, the best way for me to retain and remember information was to write it out. Sure, that took more time, but when taking a test, I could scribble it out on paper and that would jog my memory. Some students just needed to read it and go over it in their heads. I was always slightly jealous of those people. But to me, there is something very satisfying about putting pen to page, anyway, so I didn't mind.

So by journaling, I am remembering, collecting & organizing my thoughts, and recording them. Many of my journals have been read again for inspiration, remembrance, seeing prayers answered, and some laughs. I find that I pray more deeply and boldly when I write them out because writing forces me to slow down and think since it takes time to write by hand. Yet that is also part of the joy of writing.

Even if you don't love writing as much as me, a small blank book can be filled quickly with little words here and there that you write as a prayer or as something you always want to remember. My journals are filled with lists, book ideas, thoughts, Bible verses, quotes, musings, memories, prayers, poems, even a few doodles even though I have zero artistic talent.

Start small. A small journal. A few sentences. A list. A dream. And go from there. You may be amazed by how much you learn about yourself along the way...

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