08 January 2012


They asked if the sneezles
Came after the wheezles,
Or if the first sneezle
Came first.
They said, "If you teazle
A sneezle
Or wheezle,
A measle
May easily grow.
But humour or pleazle
The wheezle
Or sneezle,
The measle
Will certainly go.

-A.A. Milne, Sneezles
I definitely had the sneezles last week. It all began on New Year's Eve, so while everyone was out at a party ready to celebrate the new year, I was cozy on my couch with a blanket, a book, and a cup of hot tea. It only got worse from there, I am afraid. I had to carry my handkerchief in my pocket because my nose and eyes were so runny. And I don't think I have ever sneezed so much in my life.

At work it seemed to be the growing trend. Sneezing. At least every 10 minutes or so someone was saying "bless you" to someone else, and they, in turn, would be the next to sneeze. There is no remedy for the sneeze attacks. My remedy for soothing my throat, though, is hot tea with honey. Ahhhhh, it is true relief.

Another remedy is laughter. I think that is what A.A. Milne was getting at. You feel miserable when you are sick, so smiling and laughing eases the suffering (I am profoundly grateful to anyone who made me laugh while I was fighting the sneezles). Even though, it is just a simple cold and soon enough you are back to normal.

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