04 January 2012

Forbidden Fruit

A thing of beauty is a joy forever:

Its loveliness increases; it will never
Pass into nothingness
-John Keats, Endymion

I am sitting in the garden reading Paradise Lost, and I just so happen to be at the part where, in this epic poem, it goes into detail about God creating the earth and the plants, animals, and first humans. How appropriate is that? I have the whole garden to myself, too, so I may be the only human...

And I am freezing cold. It is 41 degrees and windy. I love it. I am sitting on a stone chair, which is kind of like sitting on a block of ice, so the parts of me that touch this stone are the coldest.

A noise above me causes me to look up, and it is there that I notice a tall tree near me. I proceeded to see ripe starfruit dancing in the winds! The tree was full of orange-skinned fruits, glowing at me from above. I don't see a serpent trying to tempt me to eat thy forbidden fruit.  But now I am craving some starfruit.

No, actually, a hot drink. I will walk back to the office and make some Lady Grey Tea, with honey.

This day is absolute perfection, to me. I live for these kinds of days. Cold, clear, bright, dry. Vivid colors from earth to sky, and trees boasting starfruit. As I walked here, I kept saying little prayers of thankfulness, that this day is perfection. Thank you God. And now that I have been sitting here on this cold stone chair, I am freezing, so I will need to walk back to warm myself up a little bit, and I will thank God on my walk back, too.

This is what I love. Though, it is also what makes people look at me funny. There must be others out there who feel the way I do....I know of a few....

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