23 January 2012

You Didn't Know You Were a Poet

The light of poetry us bit only a direct but also a reflected light, that while it shows us the object, throws a sparkling radiance on all around it.
-William Hazlitt

Poetry is the language of the imagination.

Poetry is not just letters written on a page with rhyming words and short verses. There are so many different ways of composing poetry. I have read song lyrics that are absolutely beautiful poetry. Unexpectedly deep and thoughtful. And I am drawn in.

Every once in a while, I catch my
 friends or family, who don't really have an interest in poetry, describing something meaningful to them with such lyrical expression, they don't even realize how poetical they are being. I love noticing those moments, and pointing it out. I am amazed by the spoken poetry, impromptu style.

In nature, poetry is all around. Look at the morning rise, the glimmer of dew, the intricate patterns of creatures, the perfection of a flower, the fog nestled in the valley, the monarch butterfly dancing in the breeze. Smell the opening flowers in the morning, the scent after rain, the fresh dirt. And hear the owl talk to you in the evening, the rustle of grass, or the slush of fresh snow.

We are all poets if we tap into our imagination and pay attention to that which we see, hear, feel, and smell. You may not write down your words, but the poem expands through you as you observe and appreciate.

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