27 June 2012

Kindness in Action

And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth.
-2 Timothy 2.24-25

These words register with me and how certain people in my life have shown me this kindness in action. Growing up, whenever I hung out with Dad I would see that kindness. I saw it and knew it was the right way to be, but it was not always convenient. If there was ever an "errand" to run with Dad, it usually involved some other sort of errands along with it, and usually to check on something or help someone.

It would make us late or cause us to make an extra stop. That wouldn't stop my Dad. It was taking the narrow path, the more difficult road. A little less comfortable. The selfless path. The one that few take.

And as I have grown and matured I have seen for myself how important this is. As I see those close to me display this kind of kindness, I am changed, opened, receptive to people I never would have been a few years ago. Ready to show others kindness. Okay....I am ready most of the time.

God clearly tells us to be kind to any opponents and show them the right way with gentleness. There is always someone watching, and when they see your kindness in action, they may seek out the truth in God to find out why you acted like you did.
That's shining your light.....

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