13 January 2015


Yet in the wizard's face he saw at first only lines of care and sorrow; though as he looked more intently he received that under all these was a great joy: a fountain of mirth enough to set a kingdom laughing, were it to gush forth.
- The Return of the King, by J.R.R. Tolkien

This little passage is at the beginning of The Return of the King, and at the verge of a battle that they cannot escape. The darkness increases each hour. The deep clouds grow and cast shadows everywhere. The news gets less and less promising. Aid seems to be too little for the city of Minas Tirith.

Then, this little description of Mithrandir, the wizard Gandalf, who, while preparing to enter into a very dark time of battles, has the inner joy deep within. Pippin, a hobbit feeling quite out of place in a city of men, can see it just by gazing at him for a moment and it cheers his heart.

These lines reminded me of how I want to be. Full of such joy deep within that as a dark cloud hovers closer, though a serious look may be upon me, the inner joy would be apparent if one looked closely. Why? Because even in the darkest hour hope remains. Mithrandir is always one to remind us of that throughout The Lord of the Rings. He is always offering sage advice and counsel with an inkling of hope.

I love how Pippin views Mithrandir as almost able to gush forth with laughter. Shouldn't we all be like that?  We live in a world where evil is able to roam freely, where battles show up on our doorsteps, but we hold onto a hope in Christ that should always keep us on the brink of bursting with joy and laughter. We know the ultimate end will defray all evil. It is not going to endure, but it is going to be crushed.

That is how Mithrandir can stand there calmly, peacefully, quietly, watching the storm grow closer by the minute. While the evil still brews outside the city, just beyond his sight, he knows it is coming and yet he knows more goodness lies within the hearts of many. There is a light on the other side, and it speckles through sometimes. They just have to get through the unknown to get there.

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