05 May 2011

All Good Things Come from God

My parents were married in 1973. Today would have been their 38th wedding anniversary.
I celebrate this day with thanksgiving for being raised by a Mom and Dad who were full of love, compassion, good morals, discipline, and adventure. They let us 4 kids make decisions and learn lessons on our own. And we all grew up to be a reflection of their goodness. I was so blessed to grow up in a loving home where family life was of utmost importance. I realize that wasn't the norm for most kids. My parents made sacrifices so that all 4 of us could try different sports and do other things we wanted growing up. We always had family vacations to beautiful places like North Carolina, New England, Washington State, and out west (Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado). Gosh! That all must have cost a fortune with 4 kids!

It is when I got older I began to appreciate everything they did through the years growing up. Even through trials and loss of Dad, as life swirls us around in its whirlwind, the family Mom and Dad established only gets stronger in love.
So, I am thankful for all that I had and still have. And I recognize that all good things come from God.

Every good gift and every perfect present comes from heaven; it comes down from God, the Creator of the heavenly lights, who does not change or cause darkness by turning.  James 1.17

I love looking at old pictures of Mom and Dad because they were such a cute hippie-ish couple. In recent years, all their clothes from the 1970s have come back into fashion. They went camping a lot, pulled a little pop-up behind their BMW 2002, went to F1 Races together, and spent time at the beach. Adventures they eventually were able to share with their 4 kids, once we came along.
Venice Beach, where they met
Camping with the BMW 2002
Grand Canyon

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