30 May 2011

Goodness Ahead

On the Gatwick Express train with Jason last September. This time my Mom will be with me.

We are always preparing for the possibility of bad things to happen, but where are our preparations for the good? We buy car insurance in case of an accident. We pack extra socks in case we are caught in soaking rain. We think the worst case and prepare for that. When traveling, we always think about the safety of ourselves and our important documents. While it is certainly necessary to prepare, think ahead, and be smart, once you get all that taken care of, let it go and enjoy the good.

I am at the point now, with just two days until my trip, that all the preparations have been made, all reservations set, all important documents ready. I am even almost fully packed. So, I am at the point to let all the prep work and to-do lists scatter to the background and focus on the goodness of the trip. I cannot wait to step away from the UK customs counter at Gatwick Airport and take a seat on the Gatwick Express train into London. Such fun will be ahead...

For how great is His goodness, and how great His beauty! - Zechariah 9.17

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