01 May 2011

Caring for Words

Used Bookshop in York, England

He reflects the brightness of God's glory and is the exact likeness of God's own being, sustaining the universe with his powerful word. - Hebrews 1.3

I love words, as anyone who is acquainted with me could easily know. Just the association of a word and the power behind it makes me realize the significance of words we use all the time. The verse, above, says how God sustains the universe with his powerful word. Imagine for a second what that means. God created the ability for us to communicate, enabling us to write down thoughts and facts. Words should be treasured as a gift, because they are. In all languages, they are gifts.

I am a collector of words. When I am reading and I come across a new word, I occasionally will underline it, look up the meaning, and write it in my journal so I can use it sometime. Over time, it (hopefully) slowly becomes grafted into my vocabulary.

Learning a new word is like opening a window. It lets the fresh air into your writing and speaking.

A word is dead, when it is said
Some say-
I say it just begins to live
That day

-Emily Dickinson

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