14 October 2014

Autumn, Indulge Me

Autumn, I know you have it in you. I know you are able to make my days much more pleasant with your cool breezes and your dry air full of scents that linger and entice one with spices and warm comforts. 

I see your presence at the grocery store. Upon walking in, there is a whole display of such beautiful Autumnal colours in flowers and plants. The scent of cinnamon swirls all around me and I cannot help but indulge in some flowers that hold the most lovely golden caramel colours and a tiny potted plant with little mums growing in a rust colour.

So, where have you gone to, Autumn? You were here but for a moment, and now you've gone off again. Perhaps you thought it best to leave a place such as Florida alone, due to our tropical qualities, but I assure you, you will find it most comfortable here. There are no mountains in your way, and all of the residents here will take notice of you. To be sure, you will be the talk of each town.

Perhaps, though, you prefer to linger in the background, and not flaunt your beauty, which is why you tend to slowly reach down to the trees and give them time to change their colours and eventually fall off their branches. It would be presumptuous to think that you were pretentious, even though you are vastly important to me..

So I invite you to come back, Autumn, and stick around for a while. You are most welcome here.

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