03 October 2014

How Vast Are Your Thoughts

How precious to me are your thoughts, God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand.

- Psalm 139.17-18

To stop and pray in the midst of a normal day is not the easiest thing, but is it ever easy, even if we somehow have hours in the multitudes? We always seems to find something to take us away from focusing on prayer. The work on my desk and the tasks demanding my attention seem so important throughout the hours of the workday, but really, Lord, You are above it all.
Above the work, above the errands I need to run, above the chores I need to do.

You are above it all. And that includes my thoughts.
You are higher than my thoughts and I am standing in wonderment at the vast amount of thoughts You have.

I am so singular, Lord, but You are not stuck in time or singular place. You are everywhere and in everything all at once.

Your ever-presence is a comfort to me. A comfort that also fills my soul with the wonder and mystery that is You, God. To imagine something far higher and grander than myself, I am naturally drawn into the depths of wonder.

Thank you for the mystery of Your love, presence, plans, and gifts of every rising sun.

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