07 October 2014

Autumn's Arrival

The air smelled different this morning. I got out of bed and noticed immediately. Then I remembered that some chilly air moved into town overnight. I rushed to my door and opened it to get my first taste of Autumn air. It was glorious. Full of scents of leaves and freshness. It was 57 degrees, dry, and the breeze shuffled the surprised leaves that had grown so accustomed to the Summer heat.

Now, the sounds of birds and the wind shuffling through the branches is what fills my space. It's absolutely lovely. When the first feeling of Autumn arrives I remember the blessing of God in the different seasons. I am so thankful. It is this kind of weather that energizes my mind and body. My mind becomes all aflutter with words and poetry. And I am eager to get outside to enjoy it.

I am in love with the beauty that God grants us; the way he brings forth such Autumn scents and earth tones that stir my feelings.

I cannot help it. I was made so that these things would wrap my heart in a blanket of lovely and warm thoughts and fluttery feelings. These are the kinds of days that stir my imagination and remind me of the bounty of God's blessings.

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