15 May 2013

Colour of my Day

Yet I - I could have kissed the very scullery taps. The colour of my day was like a peacock's chest. In at each sense there stole ripplings and dewy sprinkles of delight that with them drew fine threads of memory through the vibrant thickness of the soul.
- C.S. Lewis

Bright and cheerful. Sunshiny. Lively.

I awoke this morning with thoughts in my head. The kind of thoughts I thrive on. Creative. Engaging. Words floating around within the great expanse of my mind. The ability to pinpoint words, corner them, and gather them together into a coherent thought delights me. Then, sentences form and it molds into something I decide to write in my journal.

I love mornings like this. Where my mind wakes up and the wheels start turning as soon as I emerge from the comfortable covers on my bed. Creative and contemplative thoughts grow and I am soon philosophizing as I brew coffee in my french press and make a yogurt parfait for breakfast.

A colourful start to the day for someone who loves words.

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