02 May 2013

Morning Hours

There is something about the morning hours that gives me inspiration.
Is it the gentle, glowing light of a new day?
The calmness in the atmosphere?
A hint of freshness in the air?

The hours are quiet. Still. Soothing to wake up to.
The scent of coffee brewing.

The morning is the perfect situation to be still and know that God is God. To let the newness of the day melt into me, knowing that God loves me and that is all I need.

In these moments I can feel my mind clearing of all the clutter that prevents me from truly focusing and opening up to God. Once the rest of the day settles in the distractions grow like weeds and are difficult to stop.

The warmth of these current mornings puts me in a Summer mood. Eager to stay inside to avoid the intensity of the air outside, and yet, a warm breeze is sometimes good for the soul, and I venture outdoors where the sounds and sights reach me. The warmth envelopes me instantly and for a few moments I breathe deep of it all as I watch the puffy clouds move across the expanse of multi-layered sky.

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