06 May 2013


I had a dream last night that I was in the UK with someone, who was driving. I know it was the UK because it looked just like when my brother and I were there driving around and you know how sometimes in dreams you just know where you are without a doubt? This was one of those instances. The person who was driving in my dream came up to a roundabout and entered to the left and went around that way. In my mind, I panicked because he was wrong and did not notice that we just went around the roundabout the wrong direction.

So, I told my driver companion that we just went through the roundabout the wrong way. Except we didn't. We were in the UK, remember. My mind was fixated on the American way of driving to the right, and completely got it wrong for the location I was in.

I thought I was right, but I was right in the wrong place.
Maybe life is like that sometimes. I may be right about something but at the wrong time. Does that make any sense? It is like when a good thing is a bad thing unless the timing is right. Perhaps there are times when I may be right about something but is just not right in terms of timing. We always like to go by our own timing, though, instead of God's. If it is not God's timing, it is not right.

This was a dream relaying wisdom upon me. One in which I learned my lesson outside of my dream as I remembered it when I woke up. How odd! And yet interesting too. Reminders to trust in God's direction and timing, even while I sleep.

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